To Be, or Not to Be… Prepared

I had prepared for everything: food, snacks, extra clothing (layers), the elements, hydration. Everything but the terrain.

Can’t Stop: Physical Exhaustion and Mental Health

Recently, on a mountain biking Facebook group I’m part of, someone mentioned getting hurt because they didn’t listen to their body on a particular day; they went out and rode when they should have listened to their body and stayed home, taken the day off.  I wrote a reply, relating my two broken elbows the…

Jane Goodall: Modern Prophet for a Modern Age

 “In 1957, Dr. Louis Leakey applied for a grant to embark on a six-month study of chimpanzees in the wild  He believed that the study might lead to new insights about the behavior of early man.  Suspicious of prevailing attitudes in the scientific community, Leaky sought a researcher who could go into the field with…

Broken Rider: The Art of Getting up After a Fall

“You’re gettin’ too old to be doin’ this shit!”  That’s my wife, giving me the ol’, “I told you so” speech.  Two broken arms, bone contusions in both wrists, and a concussion are the proof, she piles on.  In my mind, I respond to this in two ways.  First, maybe she’s right.  Maybe this is…

The Art of Solitude: How to Be Alone in a World Full of People

Too often, we associate being alone with negativity.  We associate being alone with loneliness, depression, brooding, etc.  There is certainly truth to the fact that isolation can be negative, particularly for those battling addiction, depression or some other mental health-related issue.  We also know that socializing with other hoomans is a positive force in terms…