Jane Goodall: Modern Prophet for a Modern Age

 “In 1957, Dr. Louis Leakey applied for a grant to embark on a six-month study of chimpanzees in the wild  He believed that the study might lead to new insights about the behavior of early man.  Suspicious of prevailing attitudes in the scientific community, Leaky sought a researcher who could go into the field with…

Alexa Distefano: A Profile in Student Activism

And yet, Alexa has beat overwhelming odds to become who she is today. She didn’t grow up in a home that encouraged a sustainable lifestyle/behavior, or even one that displayed an awareness of such. She grew up in a household where mom struggled, and struggles, with addiction and mental health issues—nearly 20% of Americans live with a mental illness, and nearly 50% of all Americans will experience a mental health related issue in their lifetime (#endstigma)—and a father who was supportive of pretty much anything, even quitting

Emergency Blog Post: Trump’s Attack on Our National Parks

Let me first say that this piece will not really be political.  At least, I don’t think so.  What it will be is a defense of our national parks, which are badly in need of repair and are already operating on a shoe-string budget.  Tonight, as America celebrates the birth of a nation, Trump plans…