Broken Rider: The Art of Getting up After a Fall

“You’re gettin’ too old to be doin’ this shit!”  That’s my wife, giving me the ol’, “I told you so” speech.  Two broken arms, bone contusions in both wrists, and a concussion are the proof, she piles on.  In my mind, I respond to this in two ways.  First, maybe she’s right.  Maybe this is…

(M)Eating for the Future

Originally posted on Students for Sustainability:
Rob Couto, Lauren Paduch, Alexis Cordaro, Kevin Chapman Environmental Impacts Over recent years, the impact of animal agriculture on the environment has become a major concern. More specifically, meat production has been found to be one of the most destructive industries to the environment in terms of water usage,…

How Nature Makes Us Better

Dear Readers, As I continue to try to find a work life balance that works for this blog, as well as the time to keep original content coming, please check out the podcast I’ve uploaded on how nature helps to keep us healthy and well.  If you’re a smartphone user click on the menu link…


You don’t need the majesty of mountains or the glory of a Californian coastline to reap the benefits of being outside; you just have to get out there. “I’d rather be outside on a rainy day than in the office on a bright and sunny one”. Unknown.